With all the things I've needed to do to get ready for Christmas, I haven't had much knitting time. My sister sent me this poem some time ago. Her family has just received 8 mittens for Christmas, since I'm
their knitting auntie! Thought you might all enjoy the poem too.
One lonely mitten, waiting for more
“Cling” goes my knitting needle down on the floor.
.Two lonely mittens, waiting for the others
Their eager boy has four smaller brothers.
.Three lonely mittens, waiting for the fourth
When it gets made, there’ll be snow forts.
Four lonely mittens, waiting to be five
I’d better knit it quickly, keep the winter fun alive.
Five lonely mittens finally are six
Watch three happy brothers playing snowball tricks!
.Seven lonely mittens, piled near the door
One is in the parking lot, at the grocery store.
Eight lonely mittens, two with holes, are old
They’ll be for the snowman; he won’t mind the cold.
Nine lonely mittens, dripping from the line
One is in a snow bank – who will say, “That’s mine”?
.Ten lonely mittens, waiting in a box
All the snow has melted, and the children play with blocks
.Nine lonely mittens, yellow, blue and red
Isn’t there another one, underneath the bed.
.Eight lonely mittens, waiting for the snow
It will not be very long before the cold winds blow.
Seven lonely mittens, the kitten played with one
It started out in perfect shape, but now it has no thumb.
Six lonely mittens, the children count each flake
If flakes by billions fall tonight, a record is at stake.
.Four knitting needles, silvery and quick
Make the needed mittens cozy, warm, and thick.
Three lonely mittens, “I found one with stripes.”
If the stripes are green ones, we know that it is Mike’s.
Two lonely mittens, sitting on a shelf
Waiting for their owner to find them for herself.
.One knitting auntie has her yearly plans
To be sure the children have warm and cozy hands.
.by Heidi Dru Kortman
Breaking Barriers newsletter.