A friend of mine has a huge Newfie dog named Bruno. He's such a sweetie - and a real gentle giant. She's been wanting to learn to spin so she could make yarn from his brushings, but has found so little time. She did give me a big Ziploc full of fur though!

"Hi Bruno!"
This has already been washed and dried and probably about 1/4 of it has already been spun.
I was very concerned about it felting when I washed it, but knew I needed to since the doggy smell (although not that strong) was still too much for me, so I wrapped it loosely in muslin fabric before washing it in the kitchen sink. I ran cool to lukewarm water in the sink and used a bit of Palmolive Cucumber Melon scent. Once the since was full, I gently set my muslin parcel in the water and submerged it. I let it sit for about 5 or 10 minutes, and gently lifted it out. I repeated that 3 times, using fresh water and soap each time. Then I used the same process to rinse, (just left out the soap) until the water didn’t seem soapy any more. I let the “parcel” drain for about 30 minutes in the sink and then wrapped it in a towel and pressed more water out. I let the fur dry over night.

I've been handcarding one rolag at a time and then spinning it up. This is the first time using the handcards that the woman threw in with the deal when I bought my used Ashford Traditional last summer. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, although what I'm doing still doesn't quite look like the video on Joy of Handspinning that I'm learning off of.

And here's some of the singles on my wheel. I'm thinking of doing a 3 ply and am spinning my singles so that I'll end up with a worsted weight.

This is a tiny 2 ply sample skein that I spun up before I washed the fur. Very soft and fluffy! I heart Bruno-yarn.
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