M has been asking me for some time to teach him to spin. When my May Phat Fiber box arrived, he claimed the little "Spring Rainbow" sample that came from Calizona Designs. He said I could keep the yummy lipbalm, though!
I didn't think he'd be quite ready for the drop spindle yet, so I set him up with a stick that he rolled down his lap to add twist to his soft, brightly colored merino wool roving. Unfortunately he was quicker than I expected and once I'd finished cleaning up the kitchen and was ready to photograph that part of the process he was already done!

And his finished yarn. He's so pround of all 16feet of it!
oh wow, that's too cute!! I'm so impressed with his spinning skills!
- Julie
I love the expression on his face! What a cutie. You must be so proud :)
I love that! My son thought he wanted to learn, but what he wanted to learn on was my wheel!! :)
I'm so glad he like the color. Send me an e-mail and I'll try to send you both something sweet.
(Calizona Designs)
Hey Classic!
That's a kind offer, hoping to get some more of your fluff for him in my June Phat Fiber Box!
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