My favorite movies have always been classic Disney films: Bambi, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Mary Poppins... Maybe that makes me a bit juvenille, but I think it just shows I'm still a kid at heart. Have any of you ever seen The Rescuers? And do you remember the darling little dragonfly, who serves as an outboard motor on the leaf boat Bernard and Bianca use to go rescue Penny?

I'd like to introduce you to Evinrude.
Evinrude patterns will be my submission to the July 09 "Non-wool" Phat Fiber Box and he was inspired by the hopes of all the silky, shiny non-wool fibers that mimic a dragonfly's natural iridescence.
If you don't get a July box for yourself, Evinrude is also available through my Etsy shop (see the sidebar) or as a Ravelry download
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